
Adlai E. Stevenson High School Water Polo

Caltech Water Polo


M. S. in Aeronautics

California Institute of Technology (2022)

Relevant Coursework: Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (Incompressible, Compressible, Porous Media), Linear Systems Theory, Aerospace Control Systems, Network Control Systems, Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation, Earth's Oceans, Atmosphere Dynamics, Ocean Dynamics, Cloud and Boundary Layer Dynamics, Biological Propulsion, Remote Sensing.

B. S. in Mechanical Engineering with an Aerospace Minor

California Institute of Technology (2021)

Relevant Coursework: Senior Thesis (x2), Hydrodynamic Stability, Turbulence, Data-Driven Modeling of Dynamical Systems, Energy Technology and Policy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods, Experiments and Modeling in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Thermal Science, Design and Fabrication, Applied Linear Algebra, Waves/Oscillations, Statistical Physics, Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics.

Fellowships and Awards

Spring 2023

Issued by Caltech

This award recognizes a student whose achievements in teaching (or other ways of assisting students) have made a significant contribution to Aeronautics Department. The award is named in memory of Chuck Babcock, Professor of Aeronautics, who passed away in 1987.

NDSEG Fellow

Spring 2022, Tenure: Fall 2022 - Fall 2025

Issued by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program

NSF GRF Awardee

Spring 2022

Issued by the National Science Foundation, declined in favor of the NDSEG fellowship

George W. Housner Student Discovery Fund Award

Summer 2021

Issued by Caltech

The Housner Fund was established with a gift from the late George W. Housner, Braun Professor Emeritus in Engineering, to enhance the academic experience of undergraduate students through its support of scholarly activities.

Mechanical Engineering Award

Spring 2021

Issued by Caltech

This award recognizes a B.S. candidate in mechanical engineering whose academic performance has demonstrated outstanding original thinking and creativity, as judged by a faculty committee appointed each year by the executive officer for mechanical engineering.

Scholar-Athlete Award

Spring 2021

Issued by Caltech

This award is presented to the senior student-athletes who have maintained the highest cumulative grade point average while also making significant commitments and contributions to their sports over their careers.

Hertz Fellowship Finalist

Winter 2021

Issued by the Hertz Foundation

Henry Ford II Scholar Award

Spring 2020

Issued by Caltech

This award is made annually to engineering students with the best academic record at the end of the third year of undergraduate study. It is funded under an endowment provided by the Ford Motor Company Fund.

Brenda and Louis J. Alpinieri SURF Fellow

Summer 2020 and Summer 2019

Soli Deo Gloria SURF Fellow

Summer 2018

Issued by Caltech

Named SURF fellowships benefit from funds generously contributed by donors to support the SURF program.


Ae 201a: Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Spring 2023

Instructor: Professor Dale Pullin

Held weekly office hours to review lecture material and answer questions, graded assignments, and formulated solution summaries for each problem.

Ae 239a: Turbulence

Winter 2023

Instructor: Professor Jane Bae

Held twice-weekly office hours to review lecture material and answer questions, formulated assignments and solutions, graded assignments, and created and presented a tutorial for accessing and analyzing data from the Johns Hopkins Turbulence Databases (JHTDB).

ME 11c: Thermal Science (Fluid Mechanics)

Spring 2020

Instructor: Professor Guillaume Blanquart

ME 11b: Thermal Science (Applied)

Winter 2020

Instructor: Professor Melany Hunt

ME 11a: Thermal Science (Theoretical)

Fall 2019

Instructor: Professor Melany Hunt

ME 12a: Mechanics

Fall 2019

Instructor: Professor Michael Mello

Held weekly office hours to review lecture material and answer questions, and graded problem sets and exams.


Takataka Club Volunteer

Spring 2024 - Present

Helped clean up trash from turnouts along the Angeles Crest Highway.

Volunteer Assistant Coach

Fall 2023 - Present

Head Coach: Jon Bonafede

Helped organize and run practices for the Caltech water polo team (NCAA Division 3).

Animal Shelter Volunteer

Before 2018

Helped organize and run adoption and fundraising events for dogs and cats at animal shelters and rescues in Northern Illinois, including Orphans of the Storm and Reach Rescue.